Mortgage Broker| Author | Speaker

Some people are excited by the idea of networking events, cold calling, and dazzling total strangers with their winsome smiles, intriguing conversation, and charming personality. But for introverts meeting and talking to new people is like watching a horror movie where they are the star!
So what is an entrepreneur or sales professional to do if he or she happens to also be an introvert? In this groundbreaking work from a bonafide introvert master marketer, you will learn actionable strategies to create connections, build relationships, and establish loyal, repeat customers who are thrilled to refer you to everyone they know.

Effective Social Media Marketing
How to Sow Seeds
for Organic Growth
How to Win
Over Angry Clients
How to Expand
Your Comfort Zone
The Value of Expert Mentorship
​​And so much more! This is the definitive guide you have been waiting for!
Gone is the advice to introverts to take on a persona that is light years away from who they really are. You will finally be free to just be you and will discover that your vibe really does attract your tribe.​
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What early readers are saying:
"As a fellow introvert your book was freeing, I talked about this morning at my mastermind group. Your book was like a years worth of therapy"
"Wow! If you only take a few things away from this book you will be so far ahead. I wish I had read it 20 years ago. This is my new favorite author!"
"I found my tribe! I feel so empowered to build my business and to create more authentic connections. This is definitely going to be lent out to friends."